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Separated letter resin labels

Stickers and labels with spacing between the letters or between the various elements of the designs. Adding the resin to the stickers has proven to increment their visibility and durability, giving them a tridimensional aspect


Upon request we can create and produce pre-spaced labels with or without resin, they can be easily applied to any surface and provide excellent durability in time. 


Pre-spaced domed resin stickers etichetta prespaziata resinata adesivo personalizzato prespaziato

scritta prespaziata con effetto 3D adesivo prespaziato cromatoetichetta prespaziata resinata


Resin gives the product much more visibility creating different effects and shades, making it visually striking and of superior quality.

The separated letter labels come with a special translucent application tape that keeps the various parts of the label in their correct position during application.

We produce stickers and pre-spaced doming labels both on a monochromatic or a printed background, using silver and gold mirror coatings which are typically used on resin moulded labels.

Pre-spaced Domed Labels of large size are also possible to produce as they are composed by more than one part, and are separated and cut to fit all together to create one large label or sticker.


For more information or for a free quote

Please write to us by clicking on this link